Category Archives: Vorträge, Schulungen, Publikationen

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Experience Design for Urban Mobility

2024 marks the first classroom training course in the Australia/NewZealand region.

The aim of this training course is to provide participants with what it takes to design and maintain lasting, positive experiences at these Urban Mobility ‘Hubs’ and across the wider public transport service network – experiences centred on user needs and expectations.

Veronika Egger has been on board as a trainer from the start with her insights on Information and Accessibility.

Course information 2024

Travel Information Design, Signage and Wayfinding 2023

This training programme is provided by the International Association of Public Transport. Its aim is to provide attendees with a full overview of what is at stake in the building and maintaining of a travel information system focused on user needs and expectations. The programme will introduce and illustrate a practical toolbox of methods needed to actually design and deliver efficient wayshowing / wayfinding systems throughout the public transport user journey, organized in five main categories: space related information, time related information, orientation, service disruption, behaviour.

Veronika Egger has been on board as a trainer from the start, with a session on „Information and Accessibility“.

Course information 2023

Grafik: verwirrtes Knäul an bunten Linien, daraus werden einige herausgelöst udn mit der Lupe betrachtet. Inter der Lupe finden sich Personen in aller Diversität

Webinar: Farben, Kontraste, Glasmarkierung

Farben, Kontraste und Glasmarkierung, der Dschungel zwischen Nutzungsanforderung, Norm und Praxis

Kontraste  – zu viel oder zu gering – bestimmen wesentlich die Nutzungsqualität der gebauten Umgebung. Kontrastreiche Markierungen sind in bestimmten Situationen funktional notwendig und werden auch in den einschlägigen Normen gefordert.
In diesem 90-minütigen Webinar werden die Anforderungen der Normen erklärt und deren Anwendung in der Praxis. Wir gehen auf Werkzeuge und Möglichkeiten der Kontrastbestimmung ein und darauf, wie die Gestaltung aktiv, kreativ und nutzungsgerecht damit umgehen kann.

Auf Anfrage

Lehrgang für barrierefreie Gebäude und Umgebungen

Dieser modulare Kurs vermittelt ein breites Verständnis für unterschiedliche Nutzungsanforderungen, das Zusammenwirken von Gesetzen, Verordnungen und Normen sowie praktische Beispiele zur Umsetzung. Ziel ist die Gestaltung von gebauten Umgebungen mit umfassender Nutzungsqualität für alle Menschen nach dem Design for All/Universal Design-Konzept.

Veronika Egger hat den Kurs – gemeinsam mit Architektin DI Monika Klenovec entwickelt und etabliert. Sie unterrichtete die Einheiten Orientierung und Information sowie Farben und Kontraste.

Aktuelle Lehrgangsinformationen bei Austrian Standards

Social Design Sprint

Event: Munich Creative Business Week MCBW – Inclusion 2017, Social Design Sprint
Intiative und Konzept: UnternehmerTUM GmbH und UnternehmerTUM MakerSpace GmbH
Partner: Institut für Universal Design, bayern design, designaustria, Oskar von Miller Forum

Drei intensive, motivierende Tage mit Studierenden der Bauhausuniversität Weimar, der TU München und der FH Joanneum Graz, mit Co-designern aus Herzogsägmühle Peiting, vom AWO Kreisverband München und einem Wagnis Wohnprojekt in München. Das Ergebnis: Ideen, Konzepte, Produkte, Impulse, die Sinn machen.

Photos by Daniel George/Institut für Universal Design

Diskussion mit Co-Designern aus Herzogsägmühle

Diskussion mit Co-Designern aus Herzogsägmühle

Universal Design conference 2016

History with a Future – Perception and inclusive quality of use of a European Cultural Heritage site

Presentation at the UD2016 conference in York, UK, 22-25 August 2016.
Authors: Veronika Egger and Lisa Ehrenstrasser
Key words: information spaces, design process, wayfinding, interaction, user experience

Starting page of the presentation

Imagine a 700 year old imperial palace that has grown from a medieval castle into an area in the middle of a city extending over half a million square meters (50 ha/123.5 ac). It houses the presidential quarters, various government offices, famous museums with strong identities in their own right, the national library and a congress centre. And it provides a focal point in the modern city for events that move the nation, some of them drawing over a hundred thousand people. We are in the central district of Vienna, Austria. To be more precise we are in the “Hofburg”, the imperial palace and seat of power of the Habsburg dynasty. It has been making history since 1275 and is still a living organism integrated into city life.

And this location – far too modest a term – is struggling with its identity. There is little or only a vague awareness among Viennese and tourists of the actual physical extent of this expanse of buildings, courtyards and parks. It doesn’t stand out as a palace, a castle, as the name would suggest. Over the years it has a grown into a complex structure difficult to understand and navigate. The site has been awarded the European Cultural Heritage Label in 2016, which carries the responsibility of communicating its value in an inclusive and accessible way to all visitors. This was our starting point. Continue reading

Information design as principled action

Information Design as Principled Action: Making Information Accessible, Relevant, Understandable, and Usable

Veronika Egger is one of twenty-eight authors who report on research and design methods and present case studies in practice and education of information design.
Chapter 5: Designing Inclusive Information Spaces
Preface and Table of Contents

Editor: Jorge Frascara
First published in 2015 by Common Ground Publishing LLC, Champaign, Illinois, USA, as part of the On Design book series

IDA conference: information design matters

7-8 April 2014, London, UK
information design matters was a conference organised by the Information Design Association (IDA) in the UK with the support of the International Institute of Information Design (IIID).

Veronika Egger together with Hanni Rützler gave a talk at the conference about „Food Information for People“. They presented the results of a pilot study about the use quality of information elements on food packaging.

More about the study (German)

Mobile Plus Conference

International Conference on Inclusive Growth through Mobile Applications, Chennai, India, 2011
The Mobile Plus conference addressed technology and information design challenges for bringing relevant content via mobile phone to people who would otherwise have no access to such information. It investigated what formats of communication are appropriate and understandable in order to empower people, facilitate exchange and promote inclusive growth.

Veronika Egger organised this conference on behalf of the International Institute for Information Design in cooperation with the M S Swaminathan Research Foundation and the Industrial Design Centre of the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.

Mobile Plus Conference Proceedings >>