About is-design

Information design touches nearly every aspect of our lives. It is hidden in school books, financial statements, digital interfaces, street signs, food packaging, instruction manuals and much, much more. Information is always embedded within a complete system, an information space of context, experience and expectations.

We facilitate understanding

Making it easy and enjoyable for people to perceive, access and understand information that matters to them.

We design information

Information design helps understand and use documents, environments, systems or objects when and where they are needed.

There are no instant solutions.
Use analysis, strategy, process, evaluation, implementation – with our partners we work to create measurably better interaction experiences for everyone. The result: sometimes unexpected, sometimes obvious. But in any case improving quality of use  in the following application areas:

  • Mobility
  • Orientation and wayfinding
  • Medical information
  • Product information
  • Interaction

And with a design for all / inclusive design approach in all our projects.

The team

Veronika Egger

Foto von Veronika Egger
Image: Vyhnalek

is-design founder and director, information designer with long years of experience in application areas such as medicine, architecture, consumer electronics, food or public transport.
Veronika is an Access Consultant and advocates inclusive, user-centred design.
Co-founder of design for all in Austria and President Elect of the International Institute for Information Design (IIID).

Contakt: veronika@egger.pro

Anuradha Genrich

Foto von Anuradha Genrich

Anuradha Genrich graduated from Visual Communication (Bachelors of Science) with top honours from University of Madras, India. She is a Master Course graduate from NABA-Milan, Italy and one of three international students awarded a full scholarship for Milan Network Design Project. Having worked in India, Berlin and Vienna, she supports is-design with her own unique cross-cultural point of view integrating global perspectives in design solutions.

Contact: anuradha@egger.pro

The projects

Browse some of our projects in the fields of mobility, architecture, product information, quality evaluation and design research.
Some projects can also be found on my portfolio website.

We use various qualitative methods to implement a holistic, user-centred process.

  • Four times C for quality of use: Context, Cooperation, Content, Concept. Plus an iteration between the design process and evaluation, revolving around the people who use the application, space or service.
  • Understanding the requirements: By asking „Who?“, „Why?“, „Where?“ „When?“ and „How?“ we gain an insight into peoples‘ values, expectations and actions.
  • Perception, orientation, action: We want people to feel comfortable and enable them to complete whatever task they need to perform – in short: create a positive experience.
  • Good design is measurable: How people use the document, space or object, how the interaction works for them, where they fail – in a railway station, on a website, with a medical leaflet or washing machine.

The community

Regional, international, multidisciplinary: is-design is active in several (worldwide) networks of people concerned with high quality information and user experience.
Such a network enables us to easily connect with partners who contribute specific knowledge or resources required in the delivery of a commission.